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Contact dermatitis due to Para-Phenylenediamine (PPD) on a temporal tat too with Henna. Cross re ac tion to azoic dyes.

María Cristina Di Prisco1, Lluis Puig2 and Agustín Alomar2.

1Instituto de Biomedicina (MSDS-UCV), Laboratorio de Inmunopatología yConsulta de Alergia, Universidad Cen tral de Ven e zuela. Ca ra cas, Ven e zuela y
2Servicio de Dermatología, Hos pi tal de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau. Bar ce lona, España.

Abstract. Henna is used as a hair dye and to make tem po rary tat toos on the skin. It is usu ally mixed with p-phenylendiamine (PPD) to in crease col our in ten sity and to re duce the time of fix a tion on the skin pro teins. PPD can cross re act with azoic dyes which are used as tex tile dyes. We stud ied a patient with skin ec zema in the area of a henna tem po rary tat too.

The epicutaneous tests per formed with the stan dard Trolab and Chemotecnique® hair dress ing and tex tile bat ter ies, showed pos i tive re sults to PPD, p-toluendiamine, 5-4aminophenol, Yel low 3, Or ange Red and Red 1, and neg ative re sults to three types of henna. The ec zema in this pa tient was due to sensi ti sa tion to PPD on a henna tat too with cross re ac tion to azoic dyes. The re cent fash ion of ap ply ing tem po ral tat toos in oc ci den tal coun tries may produce an in crease in the fre quency of con tact der ma ti tis due to henna mixtures with cross- re ac tion to re lated com pounds and pos si bly pro duc ing permaent skin changes.

  clinica-8 Version final Pdf.pdf
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Escrito por Antonio Rondon Lugo el 29 de octubre de 2006 con 0 comentarios.
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